防疫通知--本校課程於4/18(一)起恢復實體授課。 (To All CJCU colleagues and students)
二、實體授課防疫措施: (一) 師生請全程配戴口罩、禁止飲食。 (二) 授課教師請確實點名,掌握學生出席狀況。 (三) 教室保持通風良好、如有操作設備機具或輪替使用須妥善清消。
三、配合4/13教育部防疫措施,倘有「確診個案」及「密切接觸者」,致全班採線上教學者,將於本校防疫專區公告受影響之課程,並以學校EMAIL通知相關師生實施線上教學。 倘有個人需進行線上學習者,將個別另行以簡訊及學校EMAIL通知相關師生。請師生務必注意查閱學校MAIL相關通知。
本校上課空間符合防疫指引,惟防疫為長期抗戰,請大家持續落實健康管理,勤洗手、戴口罩、保持社交距離等防疫措施,多一份準備、多一份保障。 再次感謝大家一同努力,守護彼此的健康平安。
【Announcement of Registration and Curriculum Section】 Resume in-person class on campus from April 18.
1. Resume in-person class on campus from April 18 (Mon).
2. Epidemic prevention measures of in-person class on campus :
(1) All teachers and students must wear a face mask and no food or drink in class.
(2) Teachers should take the regular roll call to check student attendance status.
(3) Open the windows for better ventilation. Tools, machines and equipment used in class shall be disinfected.
3. Cooperating with government's epidemic prevention measures on April 13, if there is "confirmed case" or " close contact with the COVID victim", and the class has move to online teaching method, the announcement will be posted on school's webpage of COVID-19, and email teachers and students to implement online teaching method. For the students who need to learn online, a text message and email will be sent to the teachers and students. Please pay attention to notices on the school mail.
4. The school's epidemic prevention measures are in accordance with the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), the Ministry of Education (MOE), and the Tainan City Government's epidemic prevention regulations, and will be revised on a rolling basis for subsequent teaching method this semester and make public announcement on the school's webpage of COVID-19.
The school's classroom space complies with the epidemic prevention guidelines. Epidemic prevention measures is a long-term war, please continue to implement health management, wash hands frequently, always wear a face mask, keep appropriate social distancing.
Thank you again for keep each other healthy and safe.
Registration and Curriculum Section 2022.04.14