Service Period Deduction
Application Procedures:
Requiered Document: Lunar Year Academic Transcript Records
Academic Transcript Records Application Method:
(一)Go to Auto Payment Machine, located in Administration Building 1F for application.
(二)Please refer to the file download as shown in the attachment for mailing, or contact “Registration Division” (06-2785123#1111~1118).
Service Hour:
Worktime, go to Military Training Room any time to apply it. Application from post will be longer up to 7 days.
Deduction Days:
- The students passed from this military training course (above 60) will be deducted for military period. (Those passed this course from other campus, please do go to there for further application).
- 印記區分82年次以前役男折減軍訓課程與83年次以後役男折減全民國防教育軍事訓練課程兩種樣式。軍訓課程與全民國防教育軍事訓練課程,兩種課程分別折算(減)之役期,將予以合計。
- 82年次以前役男,一學期36堂課折抵4天,二學期72堂課折抵9天,三學期108堂課折抵13天,四學期144堂課折抵18天。For servicemen born before 1993, 36 classes in a semester can dedcut 4 days; 72 days in two semesters can deduct 9 days;
- For servicemen born after 1994, one course can deduct 2 days; two courses can deduct 4 days; three courses can deduct 6 days; four courses can deduct 8 days, and five courses can deduct 10 days.