依據中央流行疫情指揮中心 3月28日發布的公告,請全校教職員工生在校內活動時,除用餐、室內外運動、以及指揮中心規定的例外情形之外,其他活動均應全程配戴口罩。
四、4月1日起COVID-19公費疫苗預約(1922)平台將停止服務,已透過平台完成28期預約者,請按時前往接種;未能透過平台完成預約但仍有接種需求者,可透過「台南打疫苗」系統查詢相關場次及預約: https://health-reservation.tainan.gov.tw。
1.COVID-19疫苗接種服務之院所: https://reurl.cc/Npqnrp
2.疫苗地圖: https://antiflu.cdc.gov.tw/Covid19#
學務處衛保組 關心您的健康
Dear CJCU colleagues and students:
As the COVID-19 is still raging, considering that consecutive vacation is coming over the weekend, avoid crowded and poorly-ventilated public places or tourist attractions to prevent the spread of respiratory infectious diseases. Again be reminded to always wear a face mask if you go out, wash your hands frequently, scan the QR code for conduct name registration, keep appropriate social distancing and stay alert your own health status.
In compliance with the announcements issued by the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on March 28, 2022, all CJCU faculty members, staff and students are required to wear a face mask at all times on the campus except when having a meal, participating in various indoor/outdoor sports, or in other exceptional situation enacted by the CECC. Though wearing a face mask is not required when giving a lecture or taking a photograph indoors/outdoors as per the CECC rules, the University suggests wearing a face mask in aforementioned situation if not being able to keep social distancing with others. Other precautionary measures are as follows:
1. During a departmental luncheon or dinner party, please note that:
1) Participants are prohibited from going around the dining area to propose toasts to one another, as per the latest CECC rules.
2) To avoid person-to-person contact via the shared utensils/chopsticks provided with each shared dish, please arrange for each diner to have his or her own separate set of serving utensils for retrieving food items. If this is not possible, please instead have the restaurant's staff distribute the food.
3) Any person undergoing quarantine, isolation or self-health management, or is otherwise experiencing suspected COVID-19 symptoms, must refrain from attending the party.
2. When entering the building, please take your body temperature and log in with the card-swiping system developed by the CJCU Computer and Network Center. The locations of 14 temperature measuring stations are as follows:
1. Administration Building 1F.
2. The left and right sides of the First Academic Building 1F.
3. There are three corners on the 1F of the Second Academic Building.
4. There are two corners on the 1F of the Third Academic Building.
5. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Dormitory Halls.
6. David Landsborough Memorial Library & Computer and Network Center.
3. on alert for possible COVID-19 symptoms: fever, respiratory problems, diarrhea, or loss of smell or taste. If any one of these symptoms develops, you should again be reminded to wear a medical mask and seek medical attention immediately at a nearby hospital for COVID-19 testing center, and you should also refrain from using any public transportation. When in the hospital for treatment, please inform the physician of your contact and travel history, potential occupational exposure to the virus, as well as anyone around you with similar symptoms. When you return home, please continue to wear a medical mask and avoid making any unnecessary trips.
All pandemic measures will be updated as needed and in accordance with the CECC's latest announcements. The University is asking for your compliance with the preventive measures.
The Health Services Section of the Student Affairs Division cares about you