輔導課學員專區 (Tutee Area)
If you are interested to be a "tutee" , please...
一、請在截止日前完成申請 (連結)
Please accomplish your application before deadline (Link)
Don't forget to update your available sessions to CLCC if you have any adjustments to your timetable.
三、配對完成後,您將收到來自華語中心的Email通知, 以及您的Tutor會連繫您。
You will receive the result of the Tutor/Tutee pair matching notice from CLCC.
Your Tutor will contact you in advance via Email.
Please follow the Tutee's Rule for your Chinese tutoring class:
長榮大學華語文教育中心 華語課後輔導學員守則
Tutee’s Note for Chinese Tutoring Class
- 您將會收到您的輔導員主動寄信,請回覆他/她並取得連繫。
You will receive the email letter sent from your tutor. (Of course, you can write to him/her, too.) Please keep the contact with your tutor.
- 若原安排輔導課時間一直發生衝突情形發生,請雙方自行討論合適的輔導課時間後,再向華語中心提異動申請。
If the class time arranged by CLCC cannot fit for tutor and tutee during the semester time. Please discuss with each other and notify the changes to CLCC.
- 輔導課必須要在指定的時間和地點進行。請記得在規定時間內到指定的教室進行輔導課,請勿遲到早退。
The tutoring class will be held at a specific time and place (T10517 or T10628) arranged by CLCC. Please be punctual for every tutoring class.
- 每次上課前後,請學員及輔導員都要簽到。
Make sure you have signed for attendance of each class. The form will be given by your tutor.
- 請學員們主動準備上課提問的教材或需要協助練習的材料。
The tutee needs to prepare your questions or materials by yourself. Please specifically let your tutor know the difficulties or what you would like to practice more. Tutors are not teachers, but they can assist you to practice more and learn easier. Please discuss with your tutor and make your own learning plan!
- 輔導課以每週20到30分鐘計,請雙方皆必須完成這個基本時數。若是學員有增加練習的需求,可徵得輔導員同意後,再另外安排時間。增加時數請詳實紀錄在簽到表。
The basic hours of Tutoring class per week is 20 to 30 minutes. Please accomplish this basic requirement. If you need more practice or hours of tutoring, please discuss it with your tutor. The weekly hours can be added when you both reach an agreement. Please let CLCC know if any changes of adjustments occur.
- 學員無故缺席者者,則取消這學期的輔導課資格。
Students who are no show without prior notice will be disqualified from the tutoring service.
- 若學員不能前來者,請至少1天前先用Email、電話、line訊息向華語中心請假。請假次數不能超過5次,超過則取消這學期的輔導課資格。
You can ask for leave when the schedule conflicts. Please stop by CLCC office, call (06-2785123 ext.5084) or send us an e-mail (clcc@mail.cjcu.edu.tw) or line message at least 1 day ahead for cancellation. If your cancellations are accumulated over 5 times, you will be disqualified from this tutoring service for the whole semester.
- 華語中心辦公室位置於第一教學大樓五樓西側,若有任何問題歡迎前來找我們討論。
We would like to help when needed. Please just walk into the office which is located on the 5th floor of the west side of Teaching Building I.
聯絡方式: 華語中心林老師 Contact information: Ms. Lin
06-2785123 ext 5084 / clcc@mail.cjcu.edu.tw, yllin@mail.cjcu.edu.tw