All teachers and students must wear masks throughout the course
密切接觸者:指確診個案發病前4日至被隔離前,曾在任一方未佩戴口罩情況下接觸達 15 分鐘之對象,將由衛生單位匡列為「密切接觸者」,依規定應進行「居家隔離」。
教務處註冊課務組 敬啟111.04.18
Dear teachers:
Resume in-person class on campus from April 18.
"In order to avoid being a“close contacts”, all teachers and students must wear face masks (except for drinking water in class) and prohibit eating throughout the course."
Those who may have been in contact with the confirmed case without wearing masks (either party) for 15 minutes, from 4 days before the onset date of the confirmed case to quarantine date of confirmed case, will be listed as "close contacts" by the health unit and should be "quarantined at home" according to regulations.
Thank you again for keeping each other healthy.
Registration and Curriculum Section 2022.04.18