By the industrial upgrading, besides traditional industry, electronics industry and biotechnological industry have gradually mature. Traditional laborous working activities have been encompassed by complex working environments. Workplace hazards have extended from chemcial and physical based characteristics to ergonomic, biological and psychosocial based characeristics. However, in the past, there was no higher educational institutes that focus on the occupational safety and helath education. Based on the salvation spirit of Christian, Chang-Jung Christian University established Taiwan's first Department of Occupatioanl Safety and Health, In so doing we promote respects for the humanity in the industry, to help industry upgrading, to cultivate talented personned that workplace needs, and to make contributions to the country.This department was established in the year of 1995.
This department provides students with knowledge of basic science, industial safety practices, worker's health risk theories, workplace safety and health regulations, health risk assessments and environmental sampling, workplace internship, environmental pollution controls, and reseach/report training. With above training, students graduated from this department will have abilities to plan and inplement safety and heltah projects in the workplace, conduct risk assessments, ensure comfort in the workplace and prevent occpatioanl injuries and illness.
Since 1996, this department started student enrollment, In the following year, The two-year college was established to provide learing opportunities for on-the-job students. Afterward, in the year of 2001, we started off to provide master degree prgram for full-time graduate students and two years later for on-the-job graduate students. Since then, this department became an important strong fortress for occupational safety and health education.