- 依據 According to:長榮大學研究發展成果暨技術移轉管理辦法。
- 承辦人 Undertaker:余明蓉小姐 分機: 1607,蔡郁珊小姐,分機:1614。
In order to protect and promote the research and development achievements of the university, encourage innovation and improve research standards, the "Chang Jung University Research and Development Achievements and Technology Transfer Management Measures" are formulated.
Unless otherwise stipulated in the contract, the intellectual property rights of the research and development results completed by the school's faculty, students and researchers using the school's resources belong to the school. Its patent application, maintenance, and distribution of rights and interests (including technology transfer) shall be handled in accordance with these Measures. If there is anything not stipulated in these regulations, it shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.