隱私權政策聲明 Privacy Policy Statement
親愛的朋友,感謝您蒞臨長榮大學網站(以下簡稱本網站),關於您的個人隱私權,本網站絕對尊重並予以保護。為了讓您能夠更安心的使用本網站所提供之各項服務,特於此向您 說明本網站的隱私權保護政策。
Dear friend, Thank you for visiting Chang Jung Christian University’s (CJCU's) websites. For your personal privacy rights, our websites is absolutely respected and protected. In order to allow you more secure use of the services provided by our websites. We will now explain the privacy
policy to you.
本聲明適用於所有以長榮大學名義申請之網域(Domain Name 即*.cjcu.edu.tw與cjcu.tw)所架設之網站,如www.cjcu.edu.tw、www2.cjcu.edu.tw、sites.cjcu.edu.tw、cjcu.tw等均適用本聲明,但不適用於本網站功能連結之各政府機關網站或其他對外連結,您必須參考該連結網站中的隱私權保護政策,本網站不負任何連帶責任。
1. The scope of this Declaration applies
This statement applies to all websites set up under the domain name of Chang Jung Christian University's (Domain Name is *.cjcu.edu.tw and cjcu.tw), such as www.cjcu.edu.tw, www2.cjcu.edu.tw , sites.cjcu.edu.tw , cjcu.tw, etc. It does not apply to the websites of government agencies or other external links of our websites' functional link. You must refer to the privacy protection policy in this linked website. Our websites does not bear any liability for external links.
Please refer to the attached file for details.