2018/05/21 Adulthood Service
Adulthood Service for CJCU Students
2018/5/21 10:30 am~11:45 am
The Entrance Lobby, Building T3
Adulthood Service was held by Office of Chaplains. Rev. Dr. James Wu encouraged all adulthood students by using two verses in 1 Timonthy 4:12 and Micah 6:8. He said that you should set an example for other students in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity, and you should act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with God.
Next, we invited Dr. I-chun Tang who is the teacher of the Ecological Educaiton Center, to give a lecture at the Green University. Dr. Tang mentioned that the golbal warming has caused climate changed and the ice sheets have dissolved and disappeared. So some climate regufees have been created everywhere. Therefore, iit is even more important for universities to become the promoters of a sustainable environment. It is expected that Chang Jung Christian University is not play and important role in enviromental protection and the pursuit of a sustainable environment in the past, present and future.
In the Moment of Gratitude, we invited international students to sing a song, and all students wrote some words of thanksgiving to their parents on the card. Those cards will be sent to their parents by Office of Chaplains.
We were also grateful to Professor Szu-Hai Yang, Chairman of the Board of CJCU and Dr. Yung-Lung Lee, President of CJCU for their excellent encouragements, respectively, so that the students are more aware of the meaning of the Adulthood Service.
We also asked the teacher of Department of Athletics Sports, An-Nie Chen, to present Class Leaders to give the blessing card to their own students. And Rev. Dr. James Wu gave awards to three students for 422 Earth Day Roots and Shoots Programmes for River Walks, 506 Love Townships-Jianan Bicycle Tracer and Student's Adulthood Certificate.
In this service, not only let students get more knowledge of green universities, but also through the tree planting, seven ecucalyptus trees were jointly planted by the Board, the president, two vice presidents, and all students who attended this service. Not only replant the trees which fell down by the windstorm last year, but also implementing the reality of the greeen campus, and understanding their hard work from parents' nuture and teachers' education and cultivation by watering the young trees.
In this service, all students stood up and sworn their oath in front of all teachers. Not only did they thank their parents and school teachers for their education and cultivation, they also wished to learn to grow up in a resposible manner. They will water the young trees which they planted that day to do their duty, and they will live a responsible life by loving the shcool, community, and Taiwan.
In the end, all students came to the stage to receive the blessings from God by pastor's hand put on student's head who is pastor of Office of Chaplains. We would also like to thank Dr. Po-Ho Huang, Vice-President do the benediction to all teachers and students attending the service that day, so that the whold service is more fullfill of God's grace and love.