2023 Jesus' Passion and Resurrection Worship Service: The hope of the end times is in Christ Jesus.
Date: 2023/04/10
[Chaplain's Office Report]
This year Worship Service for Christ's Passion and Resurrection was held at CJCU Hall as usual, with the service taking place at noon and inviting all teachers and students to commemorate Jesus' journey of suffering and resurrection. Every year during this season, we commemorate Jesus' suffering and remind ourselves of our hope for resurrection in Christ. There is no greater love than that of Jesus dying for sinners! His love inspires us to hold on to the values of our Christian faith in the midst of an evil generation that holds power in darkness and to prepare ourselves to welcome the Lord's second coming.
Faced with the turmoil of this world - war, pandemics, climate change, environmental destruction, and more - we pray for the Lord's mercy and forgiveness for our sins, and for a renewal of our hearts and minds, so that we may have hope for resurrection from the death of sin. Jesus Christ has risen from the dead! He has triumphed over the limitations of a world in which death prevails and reminds us of the world's ultimate fate. May our hearts awaken and turn back to God, praying for the chaos of our present world and preparing ourselves to wait for the Lord's coming again.