2023 - Student Dormitory Cleanliness Competition
In order to encourage students to maintain and beautify the dormitory environment as well as improve the overall quality of dormitory life, Residential students are trained to initiatively maintain the cleanliness through the implementation of the dormitory cleanliness competition.
二、評分時間Inspection and Grading Time
- 第二宿舍:4月26日(三)下午5點40分開始。 2nd Dormitory:April 26th, at 5:40 p.m.
- 第三宿舍:4月26日(三)下午5點40分開始。 3rd Dormitory:April 26th, at 5:40 p.m.
- 第四宿舍:4月26日(三)下午5點40分開始。 4th Dormitory:April 26th, at 5:40 p.m.
三、評分重點Grading Criteria
The evaluation is based on the assessment of each dormitory. During inspecting and grading, all the items in the bedroom are expected to be neat, hygienic, clean, and nice-looking. No forbidden items are shown.
- 物品整齊收納:書櫃、衣櫃淨空不代表「整齊清潔」,擺設整齊、打掃乾淨才是重點。
The neatness and arrangement of the indoor and outdoor items:the empty space of the bookshelf and the wardrobe does not mean “tidy and clean”. The neat and clean arrangement is considerably the key point.
- 寢室清潔/異味:書桌、床、門窗、地板、垃圾處理、寢室異味等列入評分重點;寢室內若有菸味、垃圾異味予以扣分。
The cleanliness of the room/No bad smell: The desk, bed set, door & window, floor, garbage disposal, and bedroom smell are included in the grading criteria; if there is smoke or garbage or bad smell in the bedroom, the points will be deducted.
- 寢室環境美化:若有美化環境予以加分。
Beautification of the bedroom:If the dormitory has an attractive environment, the points will be increased.
- 違禁品檢查:若寢室有蠟燭、瓦斯爐、安裝電視、天線、電爐、電鍋或快煮壺等違禁品,予以扣分10分。
Forbidden Items:If there are any forbidden items such as candles, gas stoves, TV sets, antennas, electric stoves, electric pots or electric kettles in the bedroom, 10 points will be deducted.
- 特殊情事:門面裝飾、開放衣櫃、房間氣味等,酌加總分1~5分。
Special circumstances (such as:facade decoration, opened wardrobe) 1 to 5 extra points will be accumulated to the final grade.
※Forbidden items:You have pay much more attention on the safety and tranquility while using your personal e-appliances in the dorm. Only hair dryers, low-power table lamps, razors, fans, radios and computer related products are allowed to use in the dorm. The rest is considerably forbidden.
※詳情請參閱宿舍公告欄。For more information, please refer to the bulletin board of the dormitory.