Q1:居留我已順利錄取長榮大學,進入台灣之前,我需要準備什麼文件呢? What should I prepare before I come over Taiwan? A1:外籍生同學入境台灣就學換發居留證前,需至國籍地/僑居地駐外單位申請入台之居留簽證(一年期),入境時以居留簽證進入台灣地區,於入境30天內至學區管轄之移民署申請換發居留證。 For International Students, before entering into Taiwan, you shall apply for a Student Resident Visa in your home country. After arrival in Taiwan, you shall visit a local Immigration Agency and apply for an Alien Resident Certificate (ARC) personally within 30 days. |
Q2:住宿境外生跨海來台求學,是否提供宿舍? Will CJCU provide accommodations for overseas students? A2:本校提供境外同學在學期間優先住宿權,每學期依生輔組公告時間內辦理申請。※註:大一新生第一學期統一於確認入學後統一由國際事務室向生輔組提出申請,大一下以後則自行上學生系統申請。 保證金說明:凡住宿生需繳交住宿保證金3,000元,以保留一學年床位與確保宿舍財產使用後歸還,住宿保證金於隔年7月退宿作業無誤後退款至學生繳交的銀行或郵局帳戶;繳交住宿保證金後,無論是否有入住,凡中途辦理退宿者,皆不退還住宿保證金。 All overseas students are guaranteed four years of on-campus housing (dormitory). Office of Global Engagement (OGE) will register housing for every freshman at the first semester, while you need to access the housing application by yourselves from the following semester through student online system. Notice of Accommodation Deposit Fee: Each of dormitory students should submit the accommodation deposit fee to reserve for a year slot of accommodation, and ensure dormitories’ properties are in a good condition as well. The accommodation deposit fee will be returned to the students’ bank accounts by the next year as long as you pass from the final dormitory checking. The accommodation deposit fee may not be returned if anyone is abandoned for living on campus upon making a payment. |
Q3 ㄧ學年有多少個學期? How many semesters of an academic year? A3:ㄧ學年有兩學期,每學期上課時間18週。第一學期(Fall semester)自八月到一月;第二學期(Spring semester)自二月到七月。詳細日期請參考本校行事曆: https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/regis/files/49 There are two semesters of an academic year, and 18 weeks for studying of a semester. Fall semester: from August to January. Spring semester: from February to July. More calendar information please refers to the website: |
Q4 A:每學期的開學日是什麼時候? When does the school starts in every semester? A4:第一學期大約在九月中旬開學,第二學期大約在二月中旬。 Fall semester: Mid-September. Spring Semester: Mid-February. |
Q5 學費我在長榮大學求學的學費大約是多少呢? How much is the tuition? A5:各院所之學雜費請參考本校會計室網頁-長榮大學當年度各學制日間部學雜費收費標準。 https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/as/files/434?lang=zh-TW(相關問答亦請參考網頁上資訊) Specific programs and departments may have different tuition amounts. You could refer to the website of Accounting Section for estimates based on currently approved amounts. Please note these figures may not be final. https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/as/files/434?lang=en |
Q6 學費每次是繳交ㄧ學期的金額還是ㄧ學年? Regarding the tuition fee, do I have to pay for one semester or two semesters at a time? A6:每學期繳交。 Students pay their tuition fee at the beginning of every semester. So, you pay for a semester at a time. |
Q7 學費繳交期限? When should I pay the tuition fee? A7:每學期開學前應完成繳交。 Students must pay their tuition fee before the beginning of the semester. |
Q8 醫療在台灣如果生病了怎麼辦?我該事先投保台灣地區的醫療保險嗎? What if I were sick when I study in Taiwan? A8:大一新生取得健保資格前,統一向國泰保險單位投保境外生醫療傷病保險,費用為:$500/月,一次投保半年。 To ensure access to health care when you need it, before you are eligible to join National Health Insurance (NHI), all International Student freshmen are encouraged to join Overseas Student Medical Insurance. The cost is NTD 500 per month. |
Q9 醫療什麼是健保?可以選擇投保或不投保嗎? What is NHI? A9:健保即台灣全民健康保險,台灣全區涵蓋健保補助的醫療院所,同學們均可持健保卡就醫,就診同學除特定醫藥檢測外僅需支付掛號費用及部分負擔即可安心就醫;全民健康保險為義務性質,即一旦符合加保資格,便需強制性加保健保。 NHI is Taiwanese National Health Insurance, founded to provide all citizens a friendly and high quality health environment in Taiwan. Joining in NHI is compulsory: everyone who meets the eligibility criteria must join in the insurance plan. |
Q10 醫療健保資格應如何計算呢? How should I know whether I am eligible to join NHI or not? A10::大一新生入台居留期滿6個月、居留期間出境至多1次且不超過30天,出境天數不列入居留6個月計算中。 ※註:居留期滿之6個月,持外僑居留證之僑生、外籍生自持居留簽證入台日起算;港澳學生自居留入出境證換領日起算;持台灣身分證之雙國籍同學自設籍日起算,但出入境不受限制。 You will be eligible as the following situations, (1) After entering Taiwan and receiving an ARC, you have stayed in Taiwan for six consecutive months. Or (2) After entering Taiwan and receiving an ARC, you have ever exited Taiwan once for less than 30 days. After the number of days that you have been away from Taiwan is deducted, the period of staying Taiwan amounts to six months. |
Q11 醫療健保費用應如何計算呢? How much do I have to pay for NHI? A11:健保費用為$826/月,大一新生於符合加保後由國際事務室製單,學生自行至出納組繳費,大一下以上舊生統一於學費單中併入學雜費收取。 After you join NHI through CJCU, for the first time OGE will provide a form demanding the fee and you have to pay the fee with the form in the Cashier Section in CJCU. In the following every semester you study in CJCU, six months NHI fee will be included in registration fee. It will be NTD 4,956 (NTD826/one month). |
Q12 獎學金 學校提供哪些獎學金鼓勵境外學生在台求學時申請呢? Is there any scholarship or subsidy for Overseas students? A12:長榮大學提供大一新生新入學第一學期每人NTD$35,000學費減免。入學後,第二個學期以後,符合續領資格者(在校生續領條件:就讀滿一學期,前一學期修課學分數達至學校正式生應修學分之規定以上,學業成績前一學期達全班排名前20%(含)以上、操行前兩學期均達80分以上,且無受懲處分者。),在學定額補助學期NTD$20,000。請參考: https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/overseas_student/article/1730?lang=zh-TW Yes, for newly admitted overseas students studying at the undergraduate level, a fixed subsidy of TWD $35,000 is offered in the first semester of enrollment . From the second semester of study, following the regulations of scholarships, overseas students can apply for the University Scholarship (i.e. TWD $ 20,000 for each semester). To help overseas students studying in Taiwan, other funding programs and financial assistance are also available upon request. For more scholarship information, please refer to the following link http://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/overseas_student/article/1730?lang=en |
Q13 工讀 境外學生在台求學期間可以工讀嗎? Could I work part time as I study in CJCU? A13:可以。除陸生以外之僑生、港澳生、外籍生得於工作准證核可後在台灣合法工讀,雇主應依法投保勞保(學生需依規定負擔部分保費);唯學期上課期間工讀時數不得超過每週20小時(寒、暑假不受此限)(校內工讀依校內規定辦理)。 ※註:境外生工作准證申請請參考國際事務室-工作證申請 https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/intl/article/6717?lang=zh-TW Yes, as long as you are issued a work permit by the Workforce Development Agency. An employer should help you to join labor insurance. Except winter and summer vacation, working hours for one week cannot exceed 20 hours. ※The following is the website for work permit application. |
Q14 交通 我在台灣沒有交通工具,我該如何到其他地方(城市、景點)? I do not have a car, scooter or bicycle. How can I move to other cities in Taiwan? A14:學校地理位置位南部交通樞紐,交通便利,校園內即有以學校名稱命名的火車站(長榮大學站),可自由前往其他城市,往台南市區需18分鐘,到台南高鐵站4分鐘,搭乘高鐵前往台北僅需1小時50分鐘;開車前往台南航空站20分鐘(亦可從高鐵站搭乘接駁車前往);校內亦有大台南公車設點,可前往附近據點。 There is a train station on campus named CJCU station. It just takes 18 minutes to Tainan downtown and 4 minutes to High Speed Railway (HSR) Tainan station. By HSR, you could go to most main cities in Taiwan. |
Q15 是否提供華語課程? Does school offer Mandarin lessons? A15:本校教學以中文(國語)為主,各學系錄取學生應具備中文聽、說、讀、寫能力(部分系所以英文授課除外),入學後如中文能力較差,無法聽課者,應參加華語文加強課程或自費於本校華語中心修習華語文。 The principal language of instruction at CJCU is Chinese (Mandarin). Applicants should be proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Chinese (except some courses are taught in English). If students are unable to keep up with their regular course work due to their inadequate Chinese language skills, they could be requested to take remedial Chinese language courses from the Chinese Language & Culture Center of Chang Jung Christian University at their own expense. |
Q16 綜合 我來到台灣就學可以申辦電話卡嗎? Could I apply for a cellphone SIM card in Taiwan? A16:建議入境台灣後,直接在機場購買電話卡,因機場的方案會比較優惠。如到校後有購買電話卡需求請至國際事務室詢問。 Yes. Taiwanese cell phone providers generally provide pre-paid card to overseas users. You could apply it in an international airport. If you need to purchase a SIM card after arriving on campus, Please visit the OGE for assistance. |
Q17 綜合 除了學費外,我應該還要準備多少錢來學校? How is the living expense in Tainan, Taiwan? A17:一般在台生活費用,以南部為基準每日三餐約NTD$200-400內,交通費用長榮大學→台南市區火車單程車票NTD$15-25。 In Southern Taiwan, one meal is about NTD50-100. One-way train ticket from CJCU to Tainan downtown is about NTD15-25. |
Q18 綜合「西元」的出生年月日該怎麼換算成「民國」? How to transfer my birth date from A.D. to Republic Era (民國), the calendar used in Taiwan? A18:在不同的國家/區域會有當地標示年份的方式,「西元」全世界通用,在台灣大部分的人也都可以理解,不過,台灣有屬於自己的年份標示方式,也就是「民國」。在某些文件上會需要以民國寫出自己的出生年月日,只要把自己的西元出生年減掉1911,就是民國出生年,例如1997年出生,就是民國86年,而民國的月日與西元相同,不須換算。 Different countries/areas may have its own calendar. A.D.is used worldwide and most Taiwanese can understand it. However, Taiwan has its own calendar, called Republic Era (民國). In certain documents you need to write down your birth date in Republic Era (民國). You could just have the A.D. year minus 1911 and the number will be the year for Republic Era (民國). For example, A.D.1997 is Republic Era (民國) 86. Month and day for Republic Era (民國) are the same as those for A.D. so you do not have to transfer month and day. |
Q19 綜合 學校甚麼時候放假?甚麼時候上課? When are summer and winter vacations? A19:台灣的學制用學年度來算,一個學年度有上、下兩個學期,每個學期間會有一個長假,我們統稱為寒、暑假。上學期開學約為9月中,上課到隔年1月中,接著放寒假(大約一個月),寒假結束後,下學期開始。下學期開學約為2月中,上課到6月中,接著放暑假(大約三個月),暑假結束後,9月中新的學期又開始。 In Taiwan, there are two semesters and the period for one semester is 18 weeks. Between two semesters, students have summer vacation and winter vacation. The first semester generally starts from the middle of September, then in the following January students will have winter vacation for about one month. The second semester begins around February and from June students will have summer vacation for about 3 months. |
Q20 綜合 台灣的天氣如何呢?我該帶些什麼樣的衣服? How about the weather in Taiwan? A20:台灣的氣候有春(3-5月)、夏(6-8月)、秋(9-11月)、冬(12-2月)四季之分,一般說來,短袖、長袖都要帶,而冬天寒流來時還需要穿到厚外套跟羽絨外套。 There are four seasons in Taiwan: Spring (Mar-May), Summer (Jun-Aug), Autumn (Sep-Nov) and Winter (Dec-Feb). There is huge temperature difference between Summer and Winter so that you’d better prepare short-sleeved and long-sleeved clothes and even a windcheater. |
Q21 綜合 我還有其他問題想要詢問,可以和誰聯絡? Who I supposed to contact once I have further questions? A21: 國際學生服務組 (行政大樓3樓國際事務室) International Student Section Location: 3rd floor of the administration building Office hours:Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:10 PM Link: https://dweb.cjcu.edu.tw/intl/article/4302