六龜兒少營隊 | Kelala的奇幻旅程
六龜兒少營隊 | Kelala的奇幻旅程
I am a university student. Initially, my attitude towards university was casual — just giving it a try. I comfortably sailed through my days, following the routine I had set for myself. Life seemed easy and enjoyable as I could attend classes and then retreat to rest, allowing me to engage in activities of personal interest. However, one day, a single sentence spoken in class shook me awake, leading me to participate in organizing camp activities. Through these camps, I transitioned from passive observation to active involvement. Initially reserved, the children gradually opened up, and I became attuned to their needs. Realizing the impact I could make, even through simple companionship and conversation, akin to what Socrates referred to as a midwife. This unexpected university experience proved to be enriching, transforming my initial focus on personal studies into a willingness to open myself up to pursue goals and embrace more possibilities and beauty, especially in the realm of children's education.
攝錄與劇本設計團隊 Filming crew | 黃夏洋Kevin Wong、鄭錦雯 Tay Jin Wen、梁煜雯 Leong Yee Vonne
演員 Casting | 吳致褘 Wu,Zhi-Hui、陳明詳 Tan,MengXiang
This short film commemorates the dedication of the older brothers and sisters who attended the camp every year, documenting their experiences accompanying and growing with the children. Special thanks to the elementary and high school students who participate in the camp each year, with the hope that we can continue to accompany and grow together. Best wishes to everyone.
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中央社新聞2024 [蟲林開始-六龜兒少夏令營] 內文連結 | 活動照片連結
長榮大學焦點新聞2025「龜龜歷險記-六龜兒少冬令營」內文連結 | 活動照片連結